Petitions To Sign & Share!


Relocate James Monroe Statue

There is a statue of James Monroe located in front of the Monroe County Courthouse. If you would like to see this statue moved to a more historical location instead of a government building Sign & Share the petition!

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Rename Custer Roads

There are several roads throughout the city of Monroe named for General George Armstrong Custer. We are asking the city of Monroe to rename all of the roads with his last name and name them for BIPOC that contributed to the city and the county in a positive way. Sign & Share the petition!

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Rename Custer Ball Program

For the last 65 years, Monroe Charter Township has sponsored the Custer Ball program. This is a children's baseball/softball program. If you’d like to help change the name Sign & Share the petition!

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Rename Custer Elementary School

There is an elementary school which resides in Monroe Charter Township and is operated by Monroe Public School. This petition is to have the name of the elementary school changed. Please Sign & Share!

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Rename Custer Airport

The City of Monroe owns and is responsible for the operation of Custer Airport located west of Munson Park. This petition is to have the name of the Airport changed. Sign & Share the Petition!

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End Cash Bail in Monroe County

Cash Bail is used as a guarantee that a defendant will return to court for future hearings or a trial. If the defendant makes all necessary court appearance the money is returned. In most cases a standard bail amount is set for any alleged offense, but judges have the discretion to raise or lower it. If a defendant cannot afford to pay bail or bond they are forced to await their trial in jail. This is a petition to end Cash Bail practice in Monroe County.

For more information on Cash Bail: